Call for abstracts


Authors are invited to submit abstracts to be considered for the 7th European Conference on FASD: “Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: walking to the future”.

All submissions must be made electronically via the submission form on the congress home page.

Please read the guidelines detailed below before proceeding with your submission.

Abstract submission opens on December 1st, 2023
Abstract submission deadline
: Fryday, May 10th, 2024, until 23:59h. (CET) CLOSED


Abstracts published elsewhere before or accepted in other congresses are not allowed.

All the proposals must be submitted in English.

It is your responsibility to submit a correct text. Please spell-check all texts before entering them into the submission system.


Maximal length of 350 words, not including title and authors.

Title and authors must not be included in the text of the abstract. There are special text fields to include this information in the next page of the submission form.

Tables can be included as part of the text, so each word or number in the table is counted as one word. Images and figures are not allowed.

A maximum of 10 authors can be listed.


All submissions must be made electronically via the submission system on the congress home page.

When you finish the submission process, you should receive an acknowledgement e-mail with your reference number. If you do not receive this, please, contact the scientific secretariat at

You will be able to modify your abstract before the submission deadline through the online submission form. To gain access to your previous submission you must use your email and the password you should have received in the acknowledgement email received after the submission.

All submissions are, independent of format, subjected to a peer-review process to secure high quality.

A notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitter (contact person) only. It is the responsibility of the submitter to notify other authors. Notification to the authors is expected from June 10. UPDATE

If the abstract is accepted the presenting author needs to be registered on due date to confirm participation in the programme and to attend the congress to present the contribution. Otherwise, the contribution will be withdrawn from the Congress programme.

  1. What’s happening in my country? FASD associations and families
  2. Epidemiology: alcohol and pregnancy, prevalence of FASD
  3. Public health and prevention; alcohol industry
  4. Diagnosis: unified FASD criteria? Mental health; new tools; comorbidities
  5. Effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol; neurodevelopment damage; basic research; biomarkers
  6. Therapeutic options; intervention; guidelines
  7. Innovation
  8. Social issues
  9. Legal and ethical issues
  10. Adults with FASD: the future is here

During the submission, authors would be able to choose their presentation preference:

  • Oral Communications preference (Parallel Sessions)
  • Poster preference

The final decision about the presentation format will be determined by the Scientific Committee after the reviewing process and this decision will be definitive.


In the poster category there will be three awards and they will be awarded at the gala dinner on the night of September 24th.


For all questions related to abstract submission, please contact the Congress scientific secretariat via e-mail at

Conference organizer and sponsor

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